Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring is here I think? On the first sunny day while piper was at school Braxton, Ella and I went to do some yard work.

ella dressed herself in shorts and a tank top and later was in her swimsuit and playing in the sprinkers with the neighborkids. Braxton ate various leafs, rocks,and handfuls of dirt.

We had a fun day and after all was done and said the yard didn't look very differet;)
Oh well at least I got my vit. D!!

Ella had a princess tea party for her fifth birthday. We had six tea pots with various drinks and everyone had their own tea cup and saucer. We also made fruit kababs, ea sandwiches, individual choclate cake, and strawberry short cake!!! We had a pinata and everyone came in their finiest gowns. She had a blast and soo did her families who got to watch from the sidelines!!! Even auntie chelsea was caught having fun;)

Her cousin gabby even came and brought a friend Erin!!

Both Papa's were there to see their little princesses.

Faith is our new next door neighbor. Her and Ella have become the best of friends.
It was a wonderful birthday I hope she will remember always. She is my little princess!!

Piper turned Eight this year and got to be baptized!!! She was soo excited and had many family members there to support her. Ella and her aunt Kacey gave the talks and her teacher even mader her a blanket which she adores!!! She recieved many gifts and looked beautiful!!

We had promised the kids all winter that we would tae them skiing at least once this winter and we waited until the last week of the season to take them. Peter had to work so my mom helped me.

When we made it to the top of the mountain at 10am we had to park at the bottom of the hill where you turn to get up to the resort, thankfully there were shuttles to drive us from our car to the mountain and back!!!

Me and my mom traded taking the kids up and down the bunny hill. Braxton hung out in the lodge. We ate the nachos which are huge. (4 guys would have a hard time finishing these off. We ended up sharing with our new friends we met in the lodge!)

They both did very well especially Piper who went down the hill 6 times and only cried once on the way to the lift for the first time of the season. Every season she forgets she knows how to ski until she goes down the hill the first time and then she remembers and does great!! If only the first run and getting to the hill wasn,t such a battle!!! Ella went between grammies legs a couple of times until grammie was wore out!! I had a snowboard and so didn't have an oppertunity to go down with her.

On the way home we say two full rainbows the girls were so excited that we had to pull over and take pictures!! what a day we were all wore out and had lots to tell dad and papa when we got home!!

Friday, May 1, 2009


After a very long winter I am sooo glad to finaly see the sun!!!! Wow has time gone by to quickly. Braxton will be walking any time now and is 10 months old!!! Ella is enrolled in kindergarten and will be visiting her new school this month. Piper is ready for summer to be here (actually right now both girls have their bathingsuits on and are in the neighbors sprinklers) Peter is finishing up his first semester of nursing school and is very stressed!!! He also decided to take summer classes the crazy boy. I am working 2.5 days a week and have recently filled in for a fourth for 8 weeks while a gal is on maternity leave. My last week in next week:)
If you hadn't noticed I have started posting to my blog. After much persuation from friends and the realization that my memorie is bad now so what will it be like when I am older has pushed me into this tech. journal. Plus who can put pics in a ournal any way!! So here it is. I only have limited time so my spelling and comosition is probably all wrong so dont laugh!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


Wow, It is already october! THe colors are changing and it is getting colder. Braxton is getting huge and starting to play with histoys. I am getinghis pics taken thisweek and will post them later. piper started school and loves it. Oh yeah we bought a new house!!! hopefully it will close at the end of this month. Ella is staying home with mom, dad and brother or ow but might start preschool in the winter. Pete and I had our 8th anniversary last month!!! wow we fell old! Ha HA . not much else just living life!!!